Today we went and participated in the Life Chain. Emma was in a mood while we were there and during the hour of trying to stand up for life, she pouted in the stroller.
However, later while we were playing outside at home, Emma had an idea. She decided to get a piece of the newspaper and took it to the end of our yard and started a protest of her own.

Just look at that enthusiasm.

She sure was making an impact. All for the gift of life.

Or for Auburn's recent loss. Whatever floats your boat. I am focusing on the former.
She was so convincing, she soon had followers.

What a natural born leader. Or enforcer... Once again I prefer the former.

So you can count on the Johnsons to help our world one protest at a time. And may God bless America.
love love love this... it was hilarious :) She is a funny bunny