Note: I wrote this last night, but never got it posted...

Can I just say that I love being a mom?! But man, what a day. It was one of those days that when bedtime hit, we gave in and left Emma in bed with a million stuffed animals and Kolbe rockin' out to "sweet home Alabama" with his toy guitar. Here are the highlights:
-went to the grocery store with the boys, Joshua was in my carrier and while we were there he spit up and his diaper leaked on me. While at the check out, a woman got in line behind me. She said, "ma'am, do you need some help? I see you have two rugrats with you." Hmmm. Yes, I have vomit and urine on my shirt, and yes, Kolbe is half way hanging out of the cart, but I have got it under control. Anyway my boys are not rugrats. They are beautiful children of God, thank you very much. But of course all I did was smile and say, "thanks, but I've got it."

- Kolbe got into one of my grocery bags and I found him in his room with an opened bottle of scrubbing bubbles cleaner and he was cleaning his carpet. I had a quiet panic attack and then made him get a shower.

-Was starting to think about making dinner and realized that I forgot to buy one key ingredient. Bummer. Most would probably let it go and either go to plan B or cook without that ingredient. But not me, not today. So I loaded my 3 into the van and drove to the store. I pulled out my double stroller and put Joshua in my sling and we went in and bought cream cheese.

And yes, I once again got tons of those "she is crazy" looks. But I didn't care, I actually felt very smart and pulled together. I felt like Supermom. And the chicken enchiladas were delicious.
-after dinner Dan had a movie night with Emma and Kolbe and I went out to Target all by myself. Well, with Joshua, but I felt like I was by myself. He loves being in the baby carrier. He sleeps and looks around quietly. So I got to go to Target, shop and actually take my time. It was awesome.

Oh, one last thing, Emma came home from school very proud with her red ribbon.

In case you were wondering, she is "drug free and proud." Praise the Lord.
I LOVE this. I felt like I was reading my own day's summary-- seriously. Wish we were closer!!
Lauren, you are amazing!!! Just thought I would tell you that!! I would have sat on the floor and cried, then told Alan to make a sandwhich for dinner. Dan is one Lucky man, and you are superMOM!!! :) And I am very glad to hear that Emma is Drug free and proud! :)